National Council of Teachers of English

Resolution on Discouraging Use of Competency-Based Teacher Education Programs

1974 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana


There is at present inadequate research to justify commitment to competency/performance-based teacher education (CBTE) as the sole format and approach to teacher education in English Language Arts. The failure of its proponents to define CBTE adequately has been raised as a central issue in recent publications of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. CBTE is presently being studied by committees of NCTE and CEE. Be it therefore


Resolved, that until such time as commitment to Competency-Based Teacher Education may be warranted, the National Council of Teachers of English officially discourage as premature and inappropriate any legislation or administrative regulation which has the effect of mandating CBTE as the exclusive or primary system of education and certification in English language arts.

This position statement may be printed, copied, and disseminated without permission from NCTE.