“Our professional community is rising to this challenge and by sharing our knowledge and expertise, we can show that sustainable progress in literacy learning will be made when local educators have the freedom to collaborate and choose how best to approach critical instructional decisions.” — Keith Gilyard, NCTE President, February 9, 2012
NCTE/IRA Standards for the English Language Arts [1]
These standards are designed to complement other national, state, and local standards and contribute to ongoing discussions about English language arts.
Supporting Students in a Time of Core Standards [2]
Resources for teachers and administrators working with the Common Core State Standards
Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing [4]
These standards were originally published in 1994 by NCTE and IRA. They were updated in 2009.
Books and Products [5]
A variety of books, Web seminars, and other standards-related products are also available in the NCTE Online Store.
NCTE Policy Briefs [6]
The James R. Squire Office has published several Policy Briefs which incorporate a wide-ranging amount of research findings grouped around topics of interest in contemporary educational concerns.
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