A number of bills affecting higher education in Connecticut were passed in 2014.
Public Act 14-21 (An Act Concerning The English Language Learner Educator Incentive Program) changes the methods of awarding grants to students enrolled in bilingual education programs. The English Language Learner Educator Incentive Program provides grants up to $5000 for students enrolled in either bilingual or English language learning programs in their last two years. Furthermore the act provides that students who teach in a bilingual or English education program in Connecticut after graduating will be eligible for up to $2500 in reimbursement of state and federal taxes (for a maximum of four years).
Public Act No. 14-91 (An Act Establishing Uniform State Academic Degree Standards) changes the wording of an existing act, which gives authority to the CT Board of Regents to “review and approve recommendations for the establishment of new academic programs for the universities within the Connecticut State University System, the regional community-technical colleges and the Board for State Academic Awards”. This act, and the one it revises, allows the BOR, among other things, to prevent programmatic overlap among the four State Universities.
Special Act No. 14-11 (An Act Concerning A Plan For Participation In A State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement Regarding Distance Learning Programs) requires the Connecticut Office of Higher Education to investigate and design a plan for a “multistate or regional reciprocity agreement” regarding distance learning programs. The stated purpose of the plan will be to negate the need for the Connecticut Office of Higher Education to have to assess the distance learning programs of other states participating in the reciprocity agreement.