We are the organization we are today because of the expertise, time, and energy of our members. What role will you play in moving NCTE forward?
We are the organization we are today because of the expertise, time, and energy of our members. What role will you play in moving the profession forward?
The NCTE African American Read-In is the nation’s first and oldest event dedicated to diversity in literature. It was established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month.
NCTE offers a variety of publishing opportunities designed to get your good ideas and valuable experiences in front of a wide audience. Share your story, your lesson idea, your research, and your questions with us!
NCTE’s blog is a place where educators come together to share successes and struggles, insights and inspiration.
This annual October 20 event was founded in 2008 on the premise that the importance of writing needs greater attention and celebration. Now, thousands of people have shared their responses and engaged in activities around the theme of #WhyIWrite.
One of the benefits of belonging to a national professional organization is our strength in numbers. Collectively we can work to influence national and state policy; individually we can use the expertise of our organization to support everyday advocacy at home.