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What is a general session?

General sessions occur when no other concurrent sessions are taking place. They are events that all attendees are invited to and the majority attend. They feature keynote speakers and other presentations relevant to the audience as a whole. This year each of the general sessions will also include student voices from classrooms and communities with whom the speakers have worked.


Will I be able to hear a luncheon or breakfast speaker even if I don’t have a ticket?

You will. Simply attend the function and sit in the back. You may need to wait to make sure ticketed attendees have their seats.


Are there any discounts available for my team or department?

Yes! You can greatly enhance your convention experience by bringing a team, and we offer registration at $150 a person if a school or district sends 10 or more teachers. If you’re interested, contact us! Every member of your team will return to work energized by what they’ve learned and ready to collaborate on implementing the new ideas.


What’s included with my conference registration?

Convention registration gets you into every session on the program except workshops on Thursday and the CEL and ALAN workshops on Monday and Tuesday. For an extra fee you can sign up for a luncheon and eat a meal while you listen to the speaker..


What’s the last day I can register?

The deadline to register at the advance rate is November 6. After that, you can register at the onsite rate right through Sunday morning.


What will I bring home with me?

Books! Books! Books! Depending on which workshops and sessions you attend, you might also go home with lesson plans, original writing of your own, strategies for advocacy, and much more. Even more important, you’ll return home with new ideas and inspiration, ready to share with your students, colleagues, and communities.


Is there more to NCTE than the Convention?

As the oldest professional organization for English teachers in the nation, there is much more to NCTE than just the Annual Convention. Membership gives you access to over 100 years’ worth of teaching expertise as well as professional resources and support for wide-ranging teaching methods at all grade levels. It also introduces you to a community of professionals — educators, administrators, and other education support staff — dedicated to promoting literacy at every level. Be sure to stop by NCTE Central for more information.