You do exceptional things in the classroom every single day. NCTE is here to recognize them.
The Doublespeak Award
In 2022, the NCTE Executive Committee decided that the organization will produce an annual list of multiple examples of such language from a public spokesperson or group, to be called The Year in Doublespeak. In addition to identifying examples, the committee will contribute to our ReadWriteThink platform by providing peer-reviewed lesson plans and other pedagogical resources that make use of the identified examples. This work will help literacy instructors to continue teaching students about public language and to encourage them to participate in public language. This work began in 2023 and the teaching resources are in development. If you are interested in NCTE’s work prior to 2022, please email
The Committee welcomes nominations for the Orwell Award, which honors an author, editor, or producer of a print or non-print work that contributes to honesty and clarity in public language.