John Green’s Paper Towns (2008) is a coming of age story that adolescents will be able to connect to and enjoy. Quentin Jacobson, a high school senior living in Orlando, Florida, has spent his whole life playing by the rules, but that all changes one evening when he gets an unexpected visit from his childhood friend, Margo Rob Spielgelman. Quentin spends the night committing devious acts with Margo in hopes that he will win her affection. The next day, however, Margo goes missing. Quentin is desperate to find her and recruits the help of his friends. Their search takes them on a cross-country journey, and what beings as an attempt to find a lost friend turns into one of self discovery for the adolescents. Green accurately portrays the triumphs and tribulations that come with becoming an adult.
Paper Towns
John Green
Grade Level:
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