During the age of adolescence, children enter a new and unexplored part of their life. Their friends change as well as their bodies and behaviors. Sandpiper, by Ellen Wittlinger (2005) is a novel that addresses all of these topics in one book alone.
Wittlinger tells the story of a girl, Sandpiper, that goes through the experiences and temptations that the majority of all adolescents go through at some point of their path towards maturity. Specifically Wittlinger addresses the topics of fellatio, date rape, when sex is considered sex, and also the evolving relationships that would include both family and also with friends. Wittlinger has become known for her writing style that addresses topics that are relatable especially to young teenage girls. This can be seen through her past young adult novels such as Heart on my Sleeve (Wittlinger, 2004), ZigZag (Wittlinger, 2003), and The Long Night of Leo and Bree (Wittlinger, 2001). All of these young adult novels have been nominated for various awards as well as having the honor of being placed upon must read lists.
Ellen Wittlinger
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