Joey Perrone, main character of Skinny Dip (2004) by Carl Hiaasen, was a victim of spousal abuse and was nearly murdered. Her strong will to survive and take back her life is what kept her afloat. This work of fiction portrays a strong female protagonist and intertwines a complex and twisted plot line with the realities of the affect that man-kind has on the earth. The destruction of the Everglades due to the fertilizers and byproducts of careless agricultural business is a carrying theme throughout Skinny Dip. Political, academic, and economic corruption is highlighted throughout the book. Hiaasen is native Floridian with a passion for stopping the corruption that allows big business to beat around the environmental pollution laws. The audience is continually filled with highs and lows as Joey gets back at her terror of a husband using humor, passion, love, anger, wit, genius, luck, and justice. There are many diverse characters that portray different morals and values and as the plot unfolds Karma proves itself true as justice is served.
Skinny Dip
Carl Hiaasen
Grade Level:
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