Stick, by Andrew Smith (2011), tells the journey of two brothers who are best friends and deal with many difficult topics that are presents in today’s society. The boys grow up with negative issues going on in their lives, including parents who are physically and mentally abusive. Bosten, the oldest, also has to stand up for his younger brother as much as possible; as Stick has an ear that did not form properly and is very insecure about it. He is bullied because of it. Bosten is gay and struggles with this. The book deals with many difficult topics that are present in society. This novel can be used as a teaching tool. Rosenblatt says, “…the teacher will become involved in the further task of leading the students toward a fuller participation in what
the text offers. This requires that the student critically reevaluate his own assumptions and preoccupations (p.74).” The novel Stick teachers children how to address real-life issues The novel illustrates how students with disabilities find social identity and acceptance.
Andrew Smith
Grade Level:
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