Sixteen-year-old Bryon Douglas and fifteen-year-old Mark have being living together ever since Mark’s parents killed each other in a drunken argument and Bryon’s sympathetic mother took Mark in as her own. The two have grown to be more than just friends – they consider themselves brothers who love each other and are inseparable. Bryon and Mark are pool
hustlers at Charlie’s Bar (this would normally be illegal, but they know the owner/bartender, twenty-two-year-old Charlie). After determining there are no pool players to hustle, the duo go looking for their friend, M&M – named for his addiction to the candy. The three decide to hang out at the bowling alley, but M&M announces he is leaving shortly after arriving. Realizing
there is nothing to do at the bowling alley, Mark and Bryon decide to catch up with M&M and find he is being followed by three guys who intend to jump him. Mark and Bryon run to aid the nonviolent M&M. After allowing M&M’s attackers to leave unharmed, Mark and Bryon mention jumping a lone black man standing nearby and M&M asks how they can jump someone
when they just rescued him from being jumped. Instead, Mark and Bryon decide to go back to the bar to see if they can hustle someone.
That Was Then, This Is Now
S. E. Hinton
Grade Level:
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