The Toll Bridge (1992) by Aidan Chambers is a young adult novel that explores the relationships between three young people. It tells the story of a young man’s journey after he makes the decision not to attend college and moves to a small, isolated town. This is a provocative novel that examines the dynamics of family, friendship and love. Aidan Chambers has been honored with many awards throughout his career as a young adult novelist. Some of these awards include the Carnegie Medal in 1999, the 2002 Hans Andersen Award and 2003 Michael Printz Award, Eleanor Farjeon Award in 1982 for Outstanding Services to Children’s Books, the Dutch Silver Pencil in 1985, 1986, and 1994, the 2000 Italian Anderson Award, the 2000 Stockport School Book Prize, the 2002 JHunt Award, Honor Doctorate in 2003 and 2008, and he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
The Toll Bridge
Aidan Chambers
Grade Level:
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