This novel, written from the perspective of a little girl, Salamanca Tree Hiddle, otherwise know as Sal, is a story of self discovery and personal journey. The story begins with Sal describing where she came from, her beloved farm located in Bybanks, Kentucky, and where she has been forced to move to by her father—Euclid, Ohio. In the very first few pages of the novel, the reader is presented with two important pieces of information: the main characters who shape the story Sal reveals, and the choice of Sal’s mother to leave the family in search of who she is, never to return. In the chapters that follow, the plot of the novel emerges through the story of Phoebe Winterbottom and her family troubles, in a tale woven by Sal to her grandparents on a car trip to visit Sal’s mother, who is resting peacefully in Lewiston, Idaho.
Walk Two Moons
Sharon Creech
Grade Level:
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