A Companion Site for What Is "College-Level" Writing? Volume 2 - National Council of Teachers of English

Companion Site for What Is “College-Level” Writing? Volume 2

Welcome to the companion site for What Is “College-Level” Writing? Volume 2: Assignments, Readings, and Student Writing Samples

When What Is “College-Level” Writing?
appeared in 2006, it proved to be immediately popular, involving a diverse audience of high school and college teachers, administrators and students, in a lively conversation on just what we mean by “college-level” writing.

Now, NCTE is pleased to offer a sequel edited by Patrick Sullivan, Howard Tinberg, and Sheridan Blau that focuses on the practical aspects of teaching writing: assignments, readings, and plenty of examples of real student writing.

Read the table of contents, introduction, and a sample chapter.

Join the college-level writing discussion group in the NCTE Connected Community. Note: anyone can view the discussion, but to post a message you will need to log in to the Connected Community. Once on the main discussion page, just click “Login to see members only content” in the upper right corner. You can then log in or join the group (it’s free).

Additional Essays

Tony Cimasko, “A Little More Relevance”

Jason Courtmanche, with participants in the Connecticut Writing Project 2007 Summer Institute at the University of Connecticut, “Writing on the Same Page: Teaching Writing from Kindergarten through College and Beyond”

Tom Liam Lynch and Kerry McKibbin: “When Writers Imagine Readers: How Writing for Publication Affects Students’ Sense of Responsibility to Readers”

Milka Mosley, “Preparing Students for Georgia’s State-Mandated Practice Writing Assessment Test: A Day in the Life of a High School Teacher”

John Pekins, “Minimum Competency Testing in Florida and the K-12/College Disconnect”

Yufeng Zhang, “The Impact of ESL Writers’ Prior Writing Experience on Their Writing in College”