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Developing Contemporary Literacies through Sports: A Guide for the English Classroom

Developing Contemporary Literacies through Sports: A Guide for the English Classroom

Edited by Alan Brown and Luke Rodesiler

Developing Contemporary Literacies through Sports
offers the many handouts, rubrics, additional sources, and examples of student work referenced in the book. These supplemental materials were provided by experienced teachers and teacher educators who contributed chapters to one of seven interrelated sections: facilitating literature study, providing alternatives to traditional novels, teaching writing, engaging students in inquiry and research, fostering media and digital literacies, promoting social justice, and developing out-of-school literacies. The supplemental materials may be used as currently constructed or adapted for other classroom purposes. Labeled “appendixes” when referenced in the book, the materials are signaled throughout the book by references to specific appendixes and the corresponding “website” or “mouse” icon that appears in the margins.


 Part 1: Facilitating Literature Study

Chapter 1. Developing Critical Literacy through Basketball, Barriers, and Books

1.1 Cover of Walter Dean Myers’s Slam!

1.2 First-Person Writing Activity

1.3 Literary Devices

Chapter 2. Beneath the Surface: Ideologies of Multicultural Sports Literature

2.1 Additional Young Adult Literature Resources

2.2 A Brief Explanation of a Harkness Discussion Circle

2.3 Calling the Shots: Students Promote Social Action in the School Library

Chapter 3. Mapping the Emotional Lives of Characters in The Scorpio Races

3.1 Kurt Vonnegut’s “Shapes of Stories” Lecture

3.2 Sample Good/Bad Fortune Plot Charts of Common Folk Narratives

Chapter 4. The Games People Play: Gatsby and the Golden Age of Sports

4.1 Group 1: The Biographical Approach (Worksheet for Students)

4.2 Group 2: The Feminist Approach (Teacher Answer Key)

4.3 Group 3: The Historical Approach I (Teacher Answer Key)

4.4 Group 4: The Historical Approach II (Worksheet for Students)

4.5 Group 5: The Marxist Approach (Teacher Answer Key)

 Part 2: Providing Alternatives to Traditional Novels

Chapter 5. Baseball and Graphic Novels: An Effective Approach to Teaching Literature

5.1 Elements of Graphic Novels and Visual Literacy

5.2 Overview of the Small-Group Reading Roles

5.3 Daily Small-Group Worksheet

5.4 Criteria for Grading Panel Discussions

Chapter 6. Ball Is Life . . . Or Is It? Examining Thematic Perspectives of Basketball in Poetry

6.1 Thinking about Key Vocabulary

6.2 Basketball Court Template

6.3 Storyboard Template

6.4 Graphic Organizer

6.5 Concept Map

6.6 Rubric: Identifying and Analyzing Theme

Chapter 7. In the Spotlight: Using Aesthetic Experiences to Unpack “Amigo Brothers”

7.1 Junk Construction Gallery Walk Questionnaire

7.2 “Amigo Brothers” Final Reflection Sheet

Chapter 8. Power, Authorship, and Identity in Texts by and about High-Profile Athletes

8.1 Headlines about Brittney Griner

8.2 Analytic Graphic Organizer

8.3 Student Memoir Writing

8.4 Memoir Writing Graphic Organizer

 Part 3: Teaching Writing

Chapter 9. Writing Sports Fiction to Build Empathy and Understanding

9.1 Sports Essays

9.2 Microfiction Websites and Books

9.3 Sample Sports Microfictions

Chapter 10. Cards with Classmates: Writing and Presenting through Trading Cards

10.1 Cards with Classmates Template

10.2 Cards with Classmates Project Checklist Card

10.3 Career Card Drafting Template

Chapter 11. Teamwork: Collaborative Engagement with Sports Argumentation

11.1 Reflective Evaluation Rubric

11.2 Example of an X-Y Axis Scattergram Representing the Spectrum of Opinion Regarding the Cultural Significance of Sports

11.3 Dramatic Situation

Chapter 12. A Flair for Sports: Teaching Journalistic Writing Using a 3-2-1 Column Approach

12.1 Suggested Issues for Student Research

12.2 3-2-1 Column Approach Assignment

12.3 Interview Schedule: 3-2-1 Column Approach

12.4 3-2-1 Column Approach Final Essay Rubric

12.5 Lesson Example: Funding of Women’s Sports

  Part 4: Engaging Students in Inquiry and Research

Chapter 13. The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner: Thematic Comparisons across Media

13.1 Additional Films and Books on Adolescent Long-Distance Runners

13.2 Sources on Alan Sillitoe and Tony Richardson

13.3 Narrative Patterns and Techniques for Stories about Young Adult Long-Distance Runners

13.4 Jigsaw Discussion Ground Rules and Questions

Chapter 14. “Reel” Stories vs. “Real” Stories: Uncovering Sports History Fact and Fiction

14.1 Gallery Walk Resources

14.2 Sports-Based Films

14.3 Sports Myth versus Reality PechaKucha Scoring Guide

Chapter 15. Searching and Synthesizing: Researching Cultural Context in Sports

15.1 Alternative Texts

15.2 Cultural Connections Research Essay Assignment

15.3 Sample Rubric

15.4 Experiential Homework Assignment

Chapter 16. Is Skateboarding a Sport? Inquiring into Nonschool Sports

16.1 Readings on Skateboarding as Sport

16.2 Be a Sports Reporter

 Part 5: Fostering Media and Digital Literacies

Chapter 17. Replicating Research as a Pathway to Digital Literacy Learning

17.1 Scholarly Research Analysis Protocol

17.2 10 Dominant Themes in Televised Sports

17.3 Rubric for the Replication Study

Chapter 18. Telling Our Own Stories: Using Documentary Film to Profile School Sports Narratives

18.1 Finding Critical Literacies

18.2 Storytelling Narrative

Chapter 19. Podcasting Responses to Social Issues in Sports and Popular Culture

19.1 Breaking Down the Podcast

19.2 Podcast Script Outline

19.3 Digital Resources for Podcasting

19.4 Podcast Evaluation

Chapter 20. Satiric Remixes: Crafting Commentaries about Sport and Society

20.1 Sample Sports-Based Political Cartoons

20.2 Writing Prompt: Reviewing Remixes

20.3 “Satiric Remix” Assignment Sheet

20.4 “A Satirist’s Reflection” Assignment Sheet

 Part 6: Promoting Social Justice

Chapter 21. Exploring Racial Stereotypes through Sports-Related Film

21.1 Resources to Support Conversations about Racial Stereotypes

21.2 PowerPoint: Exploring Racial Stereotypes through Sports-Related Film

21.3 Analyzing Humor, Parody, and Caricature

21.4 Holistic Rubric for Digital Presentation

Chapter 22. Disability and Athletics: (Re)Defining “Typical”

22.1 Anticipation Guide

22.2 Defining Challenges for Students with Disabilities

22.3 Taking the Perspective of Another: A Written Conversation

Chapter 23. Using YAL to Interrogate the Heteronormative, Transphobic Culture of School Sports

23.1 Taking an Initial Stance, Data Collection, and Data Sharing

23.2 Disrupting the Commonplace and Exploring Multiple Viewpoints

23.3 Focusing on Sociopolitical Issues and Taking Action and Promoting Social Justice

23.4 Taking Local Action to Improve the Culture of School Sports

Chapter 24. Rewriting for Justice: Breaking Down Bullying in Openly Straight

24.1 Samples of Critical Questions for “Around the World” Activity

24.2 “Be Aware, Prevent, and Prepare!” Scavenger Hunt

24.3 Sample Excerpts from Openly Straight for the Scavenger Hunt

24.4 “Flip the Script” Culminating Writing Activity

24.5 Scoring Guide for Culminating Writing Activit

 Part 7: Developing Out-of-School Literacies

Chapter 25. Being the Expert: Recognizing and Developing Students’ Insider Sports Knowledge

25.1 Having Fun with Insider Lingo

25.2 Sample Sports Texts for Annotation

Chapter 26. Promoting Democracy through Sports, Community, and Dialogue with The Crossover

26.1 Dialogue Book: Sports, Books, and Skills

26.2 Dialogue Book: A Conversation after Reading Kwame Alexander’s The Crossover

Chapter 27. eSports as We-Sports: Exploring Writing Practices through Videogaming

27.1 Articles about eSports Programs

27.2 Feedback Loop

27.3 eSports Websites

27.4 Resources for Professional Development in Games and Learning in After-School Spaces

27.5 Ideas for Starting an After-School eSports Club

Chapter 28. Inside Athletes’ Writing: The Words behind the Wins (and Losses)

28.1 Graphic Organizer for Unpacking “David’s Story: Writing toward the Podium”

28.2 Keeping an Activity Journal