Thursday, July 22, 2021
7:00 p.m. ET
Join NCTE and NCTM for a learning session on cross-disciplinary practices in youth civic writing. The authors of an upcoming resource on will discuss supporting, informing, and developing student reasoning.
About the Presenters

Suzie Boss is an author, educational consultant, and former teacher who has worked with educators around the globe who are shifting from traditional instruction to real-world project-based learning. She is the author of ten books, including her most recent work, Redefining Student Success (Corwin, 2021), which focuses on how educators are designing learning experiences that emphasize community problem solving and civic engagement. Boss is a longtime contributor to Edutopia, a frequent conference presenter, and a PBLWorks National Faculty emeritus.

Antero Garcia is an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, a former high school English teacher, and cofounder of SLAM, NCTE’s Assembly on Studies in Literacies and Multimedia. His research interests include how technology and gaming shape both youth and adult learning, literacy practices, and civic identities. Garcia has been widely published. His most recent books are Good Reception: Teens, Teachers, and Mobile Media in a Los Angeles High School; Doing Youth Participatory Action Research: Transforming Inquiry with Researchers, Educators, and Students (with Nicole Mirra and Ernest Morrell); Pose, Wobble, Flow: A Culturally Proactive Approach to Literacy Instruction (with Cindy O’Donnell-Allen); and Compose Our World: Project-Based Learning in Secondary English Language Arts (with Alison G. Boardman, Bridget Dalton, and Joseph L. Polman).

Inspired by fifteen years of working with youth in New York City, Latin America, and California’s Bay Area, Emma Gargroetzi’s research focuses on identity, power, and educational justice in the mathematical lives of children and youth. Her current projects examine the use of quantitative reasoning in youth civic composing and the possibilities for educational dignity in mathematics learning environments. Emma received her PhD from Stanford University with a dual focus in race, inequality, and language in education and in mathematics education. She also holds an MA from Columbia University’s Teachers College in peace education and an MS from Brooklyn College in teaching students with disabilities. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow of STEM education and assistant professor of instruction in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin.

Kia Turner, from San Diego, California, is pursuing a PhD in race, inequality, and language in education at Stanford Graduate School of Education. She hopes to use abolitionist theory to explore how the understanding and practice of community informs Black and Brown students’ experiences of punishment and justice in schools. Kia taught middle school English in Harlem for five years, where she instituted a culturally relevant “Tools for Liberation” advisory curriculum. Kia received Teaching Tolerance’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the National Council of Teachers of English’s Early Career Educator of Color Leadership Award.

Ethan Weker (he/him) has been teaching high school mathematics since 2001, specializing in working with students who learn differently. He has spoken at state and national conferences about working with students with disabilities, cross-curricular projects, bringing debate to the math classroom, and equity in math education. It is his mission in his classroom to help convince students of the beauty and wonder of mathematics, and its power as a tool for justice. Outside of school, he enjoys hiking with his wife and two daughters, being entertained by his dog and cat, playing piano, and always learning more math.

Xi “CiCi” Yu taught high school math in public schools for eight years in the greater Boston area (unceded land of the Massa-adchu-es-et and Pawtucket Peoples). She is starting a PhD program in math education at Boston University this fall. Her research interests are in race, identity, and power in the mathematics classroom. She cocreated and blogs at