College Section 2019 Election Results
The College Level Section Steering Committee (CSSC) members are elected each year to a four-year term. The Chair is elected from within the CSSC to a two-year term and serves on the NCTE Executive Committee representing the interests of the college level membership.
The Nominating Committee prepares a slate of candidates for vacancies that occur annually on the College Section Steering Committee and selects candidates for the succeeding year’s College Section Nominating Committee. The candidate who receives the largest number of votes in the election will chair the committee.
Learn more through the CSSC Annual Report and CSSC Member Activities Responsibilities.
Thanks to the 2019 College Section Nominating Committee: Shawanda Brown-Stewart, Huston-Tillotson University, Austin, Texas, chair; Sherry Rankins-Robertson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; and Tara Wood, Rockford, Illinois.
College Section Steering Committee
(tterm to expire November 2023)
Section Committee members elect a chair who represents section concerns on the NCTE Executive Committee. Through correspondence and meetings once or twice a year, the members identify and explore issues of section concerns. Often the Section Committee will suggest new programs or revisions to present Council programs that may benefit section members. The Committee helps plan section conferences and portions of the NCTE Annual Convention that will be of interest to section members.
Assistant professor, composition studies, California State University, Monterey Bay
Formerly: Instructor, writing programs, Arizona State University; adjunct instructor of developmental writing, developmental reading, English for English language learners, dual-credit first-year composition for high school students, Spanish language and linguistics, Spanish for heritage speakers
Membership(s): CCCC, NCTE
Award(s): CCCC Scholar for the Dream (2016)
Publication(s): Article in Constellations; chapter in Querencia: Essays on the New Mexico Homeland (forthcoming)
Program Contribution(s): CCCC, Feminisms and Rhetorics, Cultural Rhetorics, National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies
Position Statement: My research, scholarship, and activism are centered around equity, inclusion, diversity, social justice, anti-racism, and allyship. Serving on the NCTE College Steering Committee gives me the opportunity to advocate for these key commitments in our governing bodies and policies and to represent the needs of historically marginalized members of our organization and our classrooms.
Assistant professor, writing program coordinator, Sacramento State University; secretary, Northern California‑Nevada WPA affiliate
Formerly: Local arrangements co‑chair, 2018 CWPA Conference; co-director, Central Arizona Writing Project Summer Institute
Membership(s): NCTE, CCCC, CWPA
Award(s): President’s Innovation Award, Arizona State University
Publication(s): Articles in Journal of Writing Assessment, Communication Design Quarterly; chapters in Beyond the Frontier: Innovation in FYC, The Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing, A Fresh Approach to the Common Core State Standards in Research and Writing
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, CCCC, CWPA, AERA, Fem/Rhet Conference, Computers and Writing, IWCA Collaborative
Position Statement: If I am chosen to serve in this position, I will work collaboratively to amplify NCTE’s commitment to developing vibrant publics where all students are actively engaged, faculty and community volunteers are culturally responsive, and expertise is shared ethically. During my career as an educator, I have taught in community programs, high schools, and universities. Through these experiences, I have been committed to teaching and collaborating to construct a more just world.
College Section Nominating Committee
(term to expire August 2020)
Members of the Section Nominating Committee choose candidates for the Section Committee and the Section Nominating Committee for the following year. The person receiving the most votes serves as chair.
Assistant professor of English, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; CCCC Stage 1 reviewer; reviewer, Kathleen Ethel Welch Article Review Committee, Feminisms and Rhetoric
Formerly: CCCC Geneva Smitherman Award for Research in Black Language, Literacies, Cultures, and Rhetorics reviewer; NCTE Annual Convention EEOC recipient (2014); NCTE Annual Convention Local Engagement Committee (2018)
Membership(s): NCTE, CCCC, Black Caucus, RSA
Award(s): Early Educator of Color Leadership, Research and Educational Development‑Research Grant, Equity and Access Professional Development Grant
Publication(s): Articles in Pedagogy, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Computers and Composition Digital P/Utah State UP
Program Contribution(s): NCTE, CCCC, RSA
Position Statement: As a past Early Educator of Color Leadership Award recipient, I am committed to engaging with scholarship, leadership, and communities that push representation of diversity to the forefront. If elected to NCTE’s College Selection Nominating Committee, I will continue this work by fostering and supporting relationships that emphasize equity and inclusion.
Assistant professor of English, University of Arizona; interim associate director of writing program; assistant director of online writing and accessibility; web manager, CCCC Standing Group for Disability Studies; CCCC Committee on Disability Issues; co-chair, UA Disability Studies Initiative
Membership(s): NCTE, CCCC, CWPA
Award(s): CCCC Disability in Composition Travel, CCCC Professional Equity Project, CCCC WP Certificate of Excellence
Publication(s): Chronicle of Higher Education, JBTC, Enculturation, Technoculture
Program Contribution(s): CCCC, ATTW, IWAC, PCA
Position Statement: Creating inclusivity through accessible praxis is central in my beliefs surrounding the development of social justice writing studies theories and practices. As a researcher and practitioner in these areas, I believe that centralizing accessibility in NCTE relies upon a focus on disability studies, such that our communities work together to locate and build upon power structures based on the widest range of bodies and minds.
Associate professor of English, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, director of composition, director of Writing Intensive Program
Formerly: CWPA Recognitions and Awards Committee, CWPA Affiliates Committee
Membership(s): NCTE, CCCC, CWPA, CEA
Award(s): North Carolina Quality Educators through Staff Development and Training Grant (NC Quest)
Publication(s): Chapters in Retention, Persistence, and Writing Programs and Reclaiming Accountability: Improving Writing Programs through Accreditation and Large‑Scale Assessments; article in ATD
Program Contribution(s): CCCC, CWPA, IWAC, SAMLA
Position Statement: If elected to the College Section Nominating Committee, I will work to identify a strong slate of nominees who represent the varied facets of NCTE’s professional diversity, leadership perspectives, and teaching contexts and who embody a passion for and commitment to advancing the organization’s mission and core values.
Questions or comments for the Steering Committee can be emailed to
The College Section of NCTE supports the exploration of English Studies in a variety of collegiate settings that include higher education institutions and early colleges. We are educators who teach English, composition, and literacy studies across the disciplines in colleges and universities, especially to undergraduate students.