Submit a Petition to Add Candidates to the Ballot
The NCTE Constitution states that additional names for trustees of the NCTE Research Foundation, representatives-at-large, members of the next NCTE Nominating Committee, and Section Steering and Nominating Committee members may be added to the ballot by a petition signed by 50 members of the Council, provided that the petition reaches the NCTE Executive Director no later than January 10, 2022.
The petition must be accompanied by the written consent of the person nominated. The person nominated must be a member of the Council. In the case of the representatives-at-large, the person nominated must be a classroom teacher from the appropriate level. In the case of the NCTE Nominating Committee, the person nominated must be a voting member of the appropriate Section (elementary, middle level, secondary, or college) for that particular region during the year in question. Nominees for Section Steering Committees must be voting members of the Section in question. Those submitting signatures for Section offices must be members of the Section in question. A separate petition shall be required for each nomination by petition.
Send petitions by January 10, 2022, to NCTE Executive Director.