ELATE Mentoring Program for Early and Mid-Career Scholars - National Council of Teachers of English

ELATE Mentoring Program for Early and Mid-Career Scholars

English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE) offers an online mentoring program for early career and mid-career scholars—from advanced graduate students to pre-tenure faculty members to tenured associate professors—whose teaching and/or research pertains to English language arts education. Although there are certainly unique challenges in this current environment, together we can support one another with hope-filled pathways forward. We hope that by pairing a junior person with a more experienced one, we will offer an opportunity for professional growth for both participants, as well as a way to make the ELATE community stronger.

An updated call for participants is issued each fall. Please reach out to ELATE Executive Committee member Joanne E. Marciano, Michigan State University, with questions.

Program Overview

ELATE offers early career and mid-career scholars in English language arts education the opportunity to be paired with an experienced ELATE faculty member who will serve as an online mentor . By serving as a mentor, you can support an emerging scholar by providing thoughtful responses to questions, suggesting useful resources, and sharing how you’ve responded to the range of challenges presented by our profession—and especially the current moment. Through consultation with a mentor, the early career or mid-career English language arts educator can expand a network of professional contacts, which supports growth.