Institutional Electronic Subscription Agreement - National Council of Teachers of English


Below are the Terms and Conditions under which institutional subscribers may provide to their authorized end-users electronic access to NCTE journals online for which a subscription has been paid. The agreement term is for a calendar year and is established between the institutional member and the National Council of Teachers of English.

Payment of the subscription fee shall constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Electronic access to the journals is available free of charge to those institutions with a paid subscription to the print version of a specific journal. Online journals are accessed via the web and access is controlled by IP address or Shibboleth connection. Authorized users from the subscribing institution will have online access to the full text of articles. The subscription covers access to the current volume of the journal and to the electronic archive of back issues.

Access and Usage

The subscribing institution is allowed to copy data from the electronic journal for the purpose of preservation and/or the creation of a usable archive for use during an active subscription period. Use of any electronic archive copy shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions.

Permitted access by authorized users includes the retrieving, displaying, searching, downloading, printing, and storing of individual articles for scholarly research and educational and personal use.

Prohibited Uses

Online journals may not be used for any commercial or noncommercial fee-for-service use or sale. The electronic form may be used as a source for interlibrary loan (ILL) whereby articles can be printed and these print copies can be delivered via postal mail or fax to fulfill ILL requests from an academic research or other noncommercial library. Electronic transmission of files is not permitted.

Users may not modify, adapt, transform, translate, or create derivative works based on any material included in the online journals or copy any such materials except as stated in these Terms and Conditions or otherwise use any such materials in any format or medium in a manner that would infringe the copyright therein. Any copyright notices, other notices, or disclaimers included in the material or accompanying screen display may not be removed, obscured, or modified in any way.

Liability and Service Availability

The National Council of Teachers of English will make all reasonable attempts to make the digital content platform available to institutional subscribers 24 hours a day but if the institution’s access is interrupted or suspended or a defect occurs that prevents access to the server, liability to the National Council of Teachers of English will be limited to restoring access to the server as soon as is reasonably possible; otherwise, the National Council of Teachers of English will have no other liability to the institution.

Although the National Council of Teachers of English will take reasonable care to ensure that the information and data placed on the digital content platform is error-free and current, the National Council of Teachers of English accepts no responsibility for corruption of the information and data, including but not limited to any defects caused by the transmission or processing of the information and data. The National Council of Teachers of English makes no warranty as to the complete accessibility of online articles in every hardware/software environment.

The National Council of Teachers of English will not be responsible for incidental, consequential, or any other damages arising out of or in connection with the service or materials provided hereunder. The subscriber assumes sole responsibility for all use of the material available through this subscription and agrees to hold the National Council of Teachers of English harmless from any liability or claim of any person arising from such use.

IP Addressing Instructions

Current subscribers to NCTE journals can access the journals online using IP addressing. To activate this service, the institution’s administrator may log in and update the IP addresses within the institution’s account or provide the IP addresses to Customer Service as noted below.

When payment is received for a subscription and the IP addresses have been provided, access will be available within 48 hours from receipt of this information. If your client has a current subscription and wishes to have IP access, please contact Customer Service at (217) 369-6283 or email target=”_blank”>

Enabling Shibboleth

The account administrator for institutional subscriptions can establish a connection through Shibboleth from the “Authentication” section in the administrator dashboard.

Once IP addresses are provided or Shibboleth connection is established, how are the journals accessed?

Go to If you have a current subscription and we have your IP addresses in our system, you will automatically be logged in to the page where the journals can be accessed. If you are unable to access your journals, contact Customer Service at (217) 369-6283 or email

What do I get for annual subscriptions to NCTE journals?

Each active subscription entitles the user to a paper copy for print subscribers or online access for digital subscribers. In addition, an active digital subscription entitles subscribers access to the journal’s archive of all available articles published.

Subscription Details

Each active subscription entitles the user to a paper copy for print subscribers or online access for digital subscribers. In addition, an active digital subscription entitles subscribers access to the journal’s archive of all available articles published.

Journal Access Year Online
Language Arts 1980 (Began 1923)
College Composition & Communication 1950 (Began 1950)
Voices from the Middle 1995
English Education 1969 (Began 1963)
English Journal 1958 (Began 1912)
English Leadership Quarterly 1995
Teaching English in the Two-year College 1996
Research in the Teaching of English 1967 (Began 1967)
College English 1962 (Began 1939)
Talking Points 2001

Proxy Servers

Proxy servers are allowed under our current IESA provided they serve authorized users only. Therefore, a proxy server that enables public access outside of the defined set of authorized users (as defined in the IESA and described below) is prohibited. The stanza required in the institution’s EZProxy configuration file can be found here:

Who is allowed to access the full text?

For institutional subscribers, any computer located on your authorized network (within your Class B or C IP range) is eligible to be included in the list of IP addresses with NCTE access. Subscribing institutions are expected to make all reasonable efforts to enable access only to authorized users: employees, faculty, staff, and students officially affiliated with the subscribing institution, and authorized clients of the subscribing institution’s library facilities. These authorized clients may include “Walk-In” patrons who are not necessarily affiliated with the subscribing institution but who are using the library facilities.

May we download articles from the NCTE website?

Yes. Authorized users may:

  • Print one copy of any article from the database; such copies may be shared with others to the same extent as the print edition, provided such sharing is for the purposes of scholarly communication or personal educational use and there are no commercial benefits. Authorized users who print articles must preserve all copyright and other notices on the printed articles.
  • Download an article to personal hard disk or other storage media for personal noncommercial use. Authorized users who download articles must preserve all copyright and other notices on the articles.

Subscription Term

All subscriptions are on a rolling calendar year. A digital subscription entitles subscribers to twelve months of access to the current volume of the electronic journal and the NCTE electronic archive.

Cancellation Policy

Access to the article database is for the length of the agreement period only. There is no access to material after the agreement is terminated. However, you do have the right to download and store articles for future use while your subscription is active.

Renewal Information

Is it possible for an Institution to renew online? NCTE currently does not allow for Institutional purchases online. Please contact Customer Service at (217) 369-6283 or email

Contact Information

If you are unable to access your journals, contact Customer Service at (217) 369-6283 or email