Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 7:00 p.m. ET
Join us for an LLA book study with author Lucy Spence discussing Educational Neuroscience for Literacy Teachers: Research-Backed Methods and Practices for Effective Reading Instruction, co-authored with Ayan Mitra. Registrants should read the book in advance of the book study. Lucy Spence will provide additional neuroscience research and connections to instruction to spark discussion among participants.
Educational Neuroscience for Literacy Teachers reminds readers of how human body systems interact with our surroundings as we develop literacy. The interconnected processes involved in literacy are illuminated by our understanding of the human biological sciences. The nervous and endocrine systems take in information as we interact with others and the environment. Recent biological research highlights many aspects of literacy learning that support what educators know as effective instruction. This book offers opportunities to make connections between high quality-literacy practices and embodied experience.
Purchase a copy of Educational Neuroscience for Literacy Teachers: Research-Backed Methods and Practices for Effective Reading Instruction. (NCTE and independent bookstores receive a small commission from purchases made using the Bookshop.org link provided.)
This event is open to all NCTE members, and registration is required.
Please contact profdev@ncte.org with any questions.

Lucy Spence embarked on a journey to understand literacy through a neuroscience lens when she agreed to co-advise a doctoral student interested in both reading and neuroscience. Her former student, Ayan Mitra, who is also her co-author, is now at Harvard Medical School. Lucy Spence is a professor at the University of South Carolina, where she has taught literacy courses since 2006. Lucy’s research has centered on writing instruction of diverse learners. She has published studies based in the American Southwest and Southeast, as well as Japan. She has written two books, and her work has appeared in journals including Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Writing & Pedagogy, Language Arts, and The Reading Teacher.