Jocelyn Chadwick Is New Vice President
Contact: Lori Bianchini 800-369-6283, ext. 3644;
Chadwick Will Take Office during Annual Convention in Minneapolis
“As NCTE’s Vice President, my goal is to see our organization recognized as a protean resource on which not only our members, but also their colleagues in other content areas, rely and view as a definitive and expert source of information,” Jocelyn Chadwick says. “NCTE’s declared commitment and vision now move us into an active context where we assert our voices; we assume responsibility for and commitment to our profession; we proactively make the recommendations for improvement and implementation of instruction, preparation, and accountability.”
“We can and must envision such goals,” Chadwick continues. “As was typical of [the late executive director of NCTE] Kent Williamson and his vision for our organization, thinking and seeing outside of the box for NCTE was his unique driving force. One declaration, in particular, has resonated with me ever since he stated it: ‘It’s time to change the conditions and surface of literacy learning in America.’ This prescient mission and its ultimate success lie before us, and together, we can accomplish much.”
Chadwick has more than 30 years experience as a teacher, scholar, and author. Spending the first ten years of her career as a high school English teacher, Chadwick went on to inspire young minds at higher learning institutions in Texas. She recently served as professor of English at Harvard University in the Graduate School of Education and is now a guest lecturer at Harvard, She is also a nationally recognized Mark Twain scholar. Chadwick has presented papers and workshops around the country and abroad. She has served NCTE as chair of the Secondary Section Steering Committee (2012-14); as a member of the NCTE Executive Committee (2012-14); and as a member of the Standing Committee Against Censorship (2002-04).
Chadwick will take office during the NCTE Annual Convention in Minneapolis, in November, will become president-elect in 2016, and will assume the presidency of the Council during the 2017 Annual Convention in St. Louis.
The National Council of Teachers of English, with 30,000 individual and institutional members worldwide, is dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. See NCTE’s other national election results.