NCTE’s New Washington Office on Capitol Hill Brings Members Closer to the Action
August 9, 2016
The next time you’re in Washington, DC, you’ve got a new place to visit! NCTE has moved our Washington, DC, office into the Hall of the States on Capitol Hill, providing us an opportunity to bring more national visibility to literacy issues and to our members’ expertise in education. Our door is open to you, and we hope you’ll make a point of stopping by.
As executive director, it’s my job to help NCTE improve and enhance our already impressive levels of influence and service. This new office is one small step toward pushing NCTE to be more innovative in how we serve our members and make a difference for students and their families across the country. I want to give our members and staff even more opportunities to lead and communicate our vision for literacy and improving education. Here are a few ways this new space will make that possible:
- Prime Location
The US Capitol is practically across the street. We’ll be in the same building with all of the states’ Washington offices, helping us to connect with state leaders and engage in education policy issues. Many universities have their Washington offices in this same building, including The Ohio State University, and national news media such as C-SPAN and NBC News are in the same complex.
- Flexible, Affordable Space
Our staff, NCTE leaders, assemblies, task forces, and members will all be able to use the meeting room and conference facilities for small gatherings and meetings (the Convention program review, for instance) and to make use of amenities such as catering and technological tools—all at below-market rates for hotels and conference centers. This means we’re putting member dollars to use in the most responsible way possible.
- A Convenient Place to Visit The new location is one block from Union Station’s Amtrak and Metro stops. That makes this the perfect stop for members to visit and bring their families or colleagues. We’ll have a special thank-you available when you do. As an added incentive this building offers a view of the Capitol building unlike any other from its stunning rooftop. We can’t wait to show you around! Check out this gallery.
The new location will save NCTE a significant amount of money each year even with all these bonus features. And the new location is a tangible example of our commitment to presenting NCTE as a national organization that represents pre-K12 educators and college faculty across the country.
I look forward to having you visit 444 N. Capitol St. in Washington, D.C. Thanks for your support and your work for students. We’ll keep you posted on the grand opening!
—Emily Kirkpatrick