There are nine charter schools in Virginia. These schools are nonsectarian alternative public schools located within a school division and under the authority of a local school board. Charter schools provide options for parents and students while allowing communities and educators to create innovative instructional programs that can be replicated elsewhere in the public school system.
The following exemptions apply to charter schools including teacher certification:
13A. Exemptions from all laws, except those covering health, safety, civil rights, student accountability, employee criminal history checks, open meetings, freedom of information, and generally accepted accounting principles.
13B. Exemption from state teacher certification requirements.
In the 2016 Annual Report, submitted to the Governor, the Appendix on Charter Schools provides the following information about the accreditation status of Virginia’s nine charter schools based on 2015 – 2016 assessments:
Six Charter Schools are Fully Accredited
One New Chartered School is Conditionally Accredited
One Charter School is Partially Accredited
OneCharter School was Denied Accreditation