On August 1, 2017, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced the approval of the ESSA plan for Delaware. Delaware, along with the District of Columbia, was one of the first of 16 states to submit their plan by the April 3rd deadline. Secretary DeVos commented that the ESSA plan from DE was the first to be submitted and the first to be approved. The plan was comprehensive and in accordance with the law’s criteria thanks to the work of the stakeholders.
Secretary DeVos recognized the efforts of the leadership of Governor Carney, Secretary of Education Bunting and State Board President Loftus. “Delaware has created a strong plan that makes certain all students have access to a quality education and an equal opportunity to succeed,” said Delaware Governor John Carney. In order to further support the work of struggling schools in the City of Wilmington, a Wilmington-based team is in place. The Office of Improvement & Innovation will be led by Dorrell Green who began his work with the Department of Education on August 1.”
The State focuses on the following themes within ESSA and has an ambitious and rigorous plan addressing graduation rates, ELA and math goals, and English Language Learners. Read here.
- Supporting All Students
- Supporting Excellent Educators for All Students
- Challenging Academic Standards and Assessments
- Measures of School Success and Public Reporting
- School Support and Improvement
“The development of the ESSA plan was the result of a broad-based team effort,” said Delaware’s Deputy Secretary of Education Karen Field Rogers, who oversaw the coordination of the state’s plan. “Now that Delaware’s ESSA plan has been approved, we will continue to work with our districts, charter schools and our stakeholders to improve the education that each of our students receives.”The department continues its work with districts and chapter schools to achieve the ESSA goals. For more information, please visit https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3294