Submitted by Emily Zuccaro
States have been in different periods of transition of adopting Common Core Standards and an accompanying assessment method to measure student achievement. 18 states use Smarter Balanced, 11 states use PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers), and the remaining 21 states use their own assessment. Kentucky was granted permission to adopt their own set of their standards through a waiver from No Child Left Behind, and has also adopted their own test to assess student achievement. Kentucky’s test is labeled K-PREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress), a blended model of norm and criterion referenced test items. They have used this test since the 2011-2012 school year but this report only lists the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school year.
Education Week has posted testing results from the 50 states as they switch to testing that reflects the adoption of Common Core standards. Kentucky’s results in language arts/reading and math have remained relatively stable over the last two years. A range of 52-57% of students grades 3-8 and those taking English II scored proficiently in English/language arts, while a range of 38-53% of students grades 3-8 and taking Algebra II scored proficiently.
Education Week warns those who interpret these scores to consider several factors, like transitioning from one type of test to the other. Each state is susceptible to unique factors of their own which can account for different types of scores.
For more test information, see the resources below.
Smarter Balanced