In response to the rhetoric of the 2016 Presidential campaign and the increase in hate crimes on campus since the election, the Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA) has published the “Statement on Supporting a Diverse and Inclusive Environment.” In the statement the CWPA pledges to:
…promote research into student diversities; promote policies that increase diversity in our membership and in the population of people who administer writing programs; and explicitly act against the structures that cause injustice today. We will continue to work with reasonable parties to achieve acceptable policy compromises that honor all the lives, backgrounds, and learning conditions of our students. However, we will also continue to oppose the adoption of national, state, and university policies that harm the diverse students who learn to write in our programs, the diverse instructors who teach in our programs, and the diverse WPAs who administer those programs, and we will work to change those policies already in place.
The full statement can be found at