A bill is currently moving through Indiana’s legislature and will be considered during an upcoming special session. SB 217 would require schools to include dyslexia information and assessment in IEPs and use the “response to intervention” approach to address students who may be dyslexic. It also requires schools to report annually to the DOE regarding the number of students who were screened and determined to be at risk of dyslexia, or identified as dyslexic. No later than July 1, 2019, schools must employ at least one reading specialist trained in dyslexia for the district. It also requires that all teachers receive “awareness information” about dyslexia. With these added education and training components, teacher education institutions may be called upon to provide teacher training, courses, or professional development about dyslexia. While the state already has a “reading specialist” license, it may or may not currently include specific and in depth training in dyslexia.
Dyslexia Bill–Indiana
State: Indiana
Level: Higher EducationP12
Analyst: Janet Alsup