Just after Idaho received a D- on its state report card in the Quality Counts report ranking 48th in the nation in December, Governor Otter’s State of the State Address focused on landmark funding for public education. Otter has proposed a 7.9 percent increase for K-12 education in Idaho, recommending a $116.6 million. He said he was convinced this was “our highest priority.” Among the specifics being reported in the governor’s budget recommendation for FY16 are:
$38.9 million to fund the second phase of the Career Ladder salary allocation plan.
$5 million for professional development and mentoring for teachers.
$1.8 million to move non-instructional staff (counselors, nurses, etc.) onto the career ladder.
$5 million in additional funding for college and career counseling. This funds a counseling bill that was passed in the previous session, but not funded.
$10 million for classroom technology.
$30 million in operational/discretionary funding. This would bring the state back to 2009 funding levels (not accounting for inflation).
Education Week: Idaho, 30 Dec. 2015 and 12 Jan. 2016 http://www.edweek.org/topics/states/idaho/?r=413657585
Idaho Education News www.idahoednews.org
Idaho Education Association Hotline http://idahoea.org/hotline/governor- proposes-7-9-increase-in-k-12-funding/