The California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) released its analysis of the Higher Education section of Governor Brown’s proposed 2015-2016 budget. The LAO’s analysis can be found at:
The “Performance” section of the LAO’s analysis includes a discussion of issues that have implications for college writing: the “Remedial Progress Rate,” the CCCC’s Student Success and Support Program (which includes assessment and placement), and the first-year performance rates. The LAO emphasizes that the majority of California college students are not on track to graduate on time after the first year, and they recommend solutions that align with best practices in teaching writing in college: writing-intensive classes, small class sizes, and mainstreaming first-year composition students with additional instructional support. Although the LAO report cites best practices in teaching writing, it uses deficit-model terminology (“remedial” and “basic skills”) and does not question the definition of “timely graduation” for student populations that may be working full time while attending school, supporting family members, and facing increases in tuition and fees.