In their August 10, 2016 EdConnect newsletter, the Louisiana State Board of Education released a Digital Literacy Guide:
This guide is color-coded for grade levels, showing when each of the learning objectives should be introduced, reinforced, and mastered. The learning objectives are divided into these categories:
Basic Computer Operations
Word Processing
Spreadsheet (Tables, Charts, and Graphs)
Mathematical Applications
Presentation and Multimedia Tools
Acceptable Use, Copyright, Plagiarism, and Online Safety
Research and Information Gathering
Communication and Collaboration
Many of the learning objectives are somewhat granular (learn to copy and paste; learn to save a file), but some are more complex, such as these:
“Use a variety of media to present information for specific purposes (e.g.,
reports, research papers, presentations, newsletters, Web sites, podcasts, and blogs), citing sources.”
“Demonstrate how the use of various techniques and effects (e.g. editing,
music, color, and rhetorical devices) can be used to convey meaning in media.”
NCTE position statements that touch on digital literacy include:
The NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies
Position Statement on Multimodal Literacies:
CCCC Position Statement on Teaching, Learning, and Assessing Writing in Digital Environments:
NCTE Policy Research Brief on 21st Century Literacies: