Louisiana’s Equity Plan for Education was written in June 2015, and I have recently found it on the state Department of Education’s website. The full report of the plan is here: http://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/equity/louisiana-state-equity-plan.pdf?sfvrsn=2
The plan, which will be carried out mostly by LEAs (Local Education Agencies), follows three strategies:
1. Expansion of Believe and Prepare Pilot Programs’ Most Promising Teacher Preparation Practices.
2. Encourage More and Stronger Partnerships Between LEAs and Preparation Programs.
3. Support District Recruitment and Hiring Practices.
There are four goals:
1. By 2018, 50 percent of LEAs in Louisiana will have conducted a workforce analysis with the support of the LDOE that projects short and long-term hiring needs, thus enabling LEAs to improve recruitment and placement practices. Such analyses will include hiring needs in high poverty and high minority schools so that those needs can be better understood and met.
2. By 2018, 50 percent of LEAs in Louisiana will have a formalized partnership with a teacher preparation program that addresses LEA hiring needs, particularly in high need schools and subject areas, as identified through workforce analysis.
3. By 2020, the rate of out-of-field teachers in both high poverty and high minority parishes will reduce by 20 percent.
4. By 2020, the rate of inexperienced teachers in both high poverty and high minority parishes will reduce by 10 percent.