In an earlier policy analysis report, I reported state legislation that requires the Department of Education to give the public the opportunity to comment on the Louisiana Student Standards. According to a press release from the Department of Education, the state has received 29,809 comments on the standards:
From the press release:
There were 723 unique individuals submitting comments during the four-week period since the portal opened on July 8. Given the option to identify in one category only, 60 percent of commenters identified themselves as educators, 23 percent as parents, 7 percent as K-12 district or school administrators, and the remaining as representatives of other education institutions or the general public. Representatives from nearly all parishes in Louisiana shared their feedback.
The state will hold public meetings to discuss the standards, and content-area subcommittees, composed mostly of teachers, will review the standards and make recommendations. The final version of the standards will be complete in March 2016.