According to the MA DOE, “Massachusetts is the top state in the nation in terms of the percentage of the class of 2016 that scored a 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement exam, according to results that the College Board released today. In addition, the Commonwealth had the highest five- and ten-year growth in the percentage of graduates who scored a 3 or higher.”
Approximately, 44% of MA high schoolstudentstook, at least, one AP exam in 2106.That is a 4.1% increase inparticipation from 2015 and a 12.2% percent increase over 10 years ago.
According to the DOE, “Hispanic/Latino and black students continue to make gains in participation and performance. In 2006, Hispanic/Latino high school graduates had taken 1,576 AP exams; in 2016, they had taken 8,168. In 2006, Hispanic/Latino high school graduates had received scores of 3 or higher on 848 exams; in 2016, they had scored 3 or higher on 3,793 AP exams.
Black students also saw gains. In 2006, black high school graduates had taken 1,027 AP exams; in 2016, they had taken 4,211. In 2006, black high school graduates had received scores of 3 or higher on 407 exams; in 2016, they had scored 3 or higher on 1,428 AP exams.
Low-income members of Massachusetts’ class of 2016 also saw improvements in participation and success. In 2006, low-income high school graduates had taken 3,705 AP exams; in 2016, they had taken 19,621. In 2006, low-income high school graduates had received scores of 3 or higher on 1,684 exams; in 2016, they had scored 3 or higher on 9,090 AP exams.”
MA DOE. “Massachusetts Leads Nation in Advanced Placement Success.” 22 Feb. 2017.
Norris, Will. “Massachusetts High Schoolers Rank First in Advanced Placement Scores.” Boston Magazine. 27 Feb. 2017.