Minnesota, the birthplace of the Charter School movement, may become its grave yard, according to some if a lawsuit winding its way through the courts wins. The suit, brought by seven parents and a nonprofit, argues that “Elementary students in Minneapolis and St. Paul attend schools that are more racially segregated than they have been in a generation,” according to the StarTribune newspaper. The parents claim the state of Minnesota has allowed the proliferation of charter schools that are segregated based on race and poverty, in violation of its mandate to give all students quality educational opportunities.
Opponents of the lawsuit argue that Minnesota is not encouraging or fostering segregation, but that charter schools are meeting critical cultural and social needs, as well as providing parents choices of where to educate their children.
The lawsuit, which is in its pretrial motion phase, may not begin until early 2017.
Information for this report came from:
Judge refuses to dismiss Minnesota desegregation suit
Urban school districts are among least integrated
School Desegregation Lawsuit Threatens Charters