The state of Washington outpaces the nation with the number of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs), regularly ranking among the top five states with the most new NBCTs. State partners (OSPI, WEA, and CSTP), the Washington State legislature and the Governor’s office are committed to seeing National Board flourish. To date, 7,333 teachers have achieved National Board Certification, 1168 teachers certified in the four English and literacy areas. There are English components within all the certificate areas.
Washington offers comprehensive support for teachers interested in seeking National Board Certification, including conditional loans that cover the majority of the application fee, Jump Start and Home Stretch candidate support programs sponsored by the Washington Education Association (WEA); and an annual NBCT bonus. The state legislature renewed a bill that awards up to a $5000 bonus to each NBCT. Teachers can receive an additional $5000 bonus if they teach in “challenging” schools, defined as having a certain percentage of students qualify for free and reduced-price lunches.
For more information on this certification process in WA, this link will take you to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).