Beginning with the freshman class of the 2015-16 school year, public high schools in North Carolina will follow a 10-point grading scale to assign letter grades. The 10-point scale will replace a seven point scale and eliminate pluses and minuses.
Current Scale New Scale
93-100: A 90-100: A
85-92: B 80-90: B
77-84: C 70-80: C
70-77: D 60-70: D
0-69: F 0-59: F
The state Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt the new scale, citing evidence that it will help level the playing field for college applicants, improve student achievement and increase eligibility for scholarships and AP classes.
Elementary and middle schools will use grading systems approved by their local school boards.
North Carolina is one of just a handful of states to adopt follow a universal grading scale. To learn more, read theCharlotte Observer’s report or the NC Board of Education policy manual.