HB 176 would repeal current standards, replacing them with standards in place in Massachusetts prior to 2010 and replacing current assessments with those used in Iowa, also prior to 2010.
This bill would set the amount of testing at the federal minimum by eliminating the Social Studies Assessment at grades 4 and 6, and requiring only 3 tests in high school (English language arts, math, and science)
Neither the proposed standards nor the proposed assessments are currently used in the states from which they are being adopted.
During recent forums for parents, educators, and community stakeholders there was a call to reduce the amount of testing and to limit the number of times the assessments are changed.
In addition, this bill would allow teacher evaluation standards to be adopted by local school boards without input from educators or guidance from related state laws.
HB 181 would replace all current assessments with norm-referenced tests, would not reduce the amount of testing, and would exceed federal minimum requirements. For grades 3-8, the social studies assessments at both grade 4 and 6 would be maintained and the fall English language arts assessment for 3rd grade eliminated. For high school, the seven end-of-the-year assessments would be replaced with a minimum of five, as yet, unspecified assessments.
Only three assessments are required by federal law. (English, math, and science).
As with HB 176, this bill is not responsive to feedback from parents, educators, and other stakeholders regarding the reduction of testing and not changing to yet another set of standards and testing system within a short period of time.
Both bills were referred to the Education and Career Readiness Committee in the House on May 1, 2017
For complete information on HB 176 click here.