A major goal of the State Plan for Alabama Higher Education is the PK20 Initiative, “a seamless system of education used to integrate through an alignment of state and federal resources, a complete educational system of ongoing student support and business/industry interests.” (see PK20 Initiative link below).
As part of this Initiative, Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley formed the College and Career Ready Task Force in January 2013, which consists of public and postsecondary educators as well as industry leaders in Alabama. The goal of the Task Force is to create a “united effort to strengthen the preparation of students for the workforce.” Some see this Task Force as a recognition of shortfalls in NCLB. The Task Force was scheduled to release its preliminary report in December 2013, but as of this date (the end of 2013), no report can be found.
The Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) PK20 Initiative Page (with information about the Task Force) can be found at: