The New Mexico English Remediation Task Force was formed in March of 2016 and was staffed by 7 English faculty members from New Mexico two-year colleges. Task force members met at the “New Mexico Corequisite Remediation at Scale Policy Institute “ to study Complete College America resource material and to discuss remedial reform models available to students across the state. In July, the task force published a report that makes the following recommendations for improving remedial English in New Mexico:
1.Use multiple measures (WritePlacer, high school GPA’s, diagnostic essays) to supplement standard placement tests (Accuplacer) and to more accurately place students.
2. Offer accelerated co-requisite composition courses to move the majority of developmental students into college-level writing courses with additional support.
3. Continue to offer traditional remedial courses but increase (or maintain) the level of support to move students more quickly into college-level composition.
4. Implement or support existing Early Alert systems to provide guidance to struggling students and increase their chances of course completion.
5. Support Writing Centers so that Writing Center Directors and tutors can serve students and support faculty to the best of their ability.
6. Create a statewide system for sharing resources, supporting faculty and programs, and reporting data in a more accessible and useful manner.
The task force concluded their report by recommending a new, more inclusive task force be formed that would involve more faculty from around the state. The task force called for flexibility in application of recommendations and also for allocation of resources that would allow campuses to implement and scale up initiatives related to the six outlined recommendations.
The entire report can be accessed on the following link: