By Emily Zuccaro, with Kathryn Whitmore
Kentucky is currently in the middle of a statewide debate between Governor Republican nominee, Matt Bevin, and Democratic nominee, Jack
Conway, regarding education standards and the Common Core.
Kentucky was the first state to adopt Common Core standards under the Race to the Top grant program as well as relief waivers from No Child Left Behind. Bevin, an opponent to the Common Core standards, views them as government overreach and wants to throw them out. If elected, he will have the power to elect new board members and replace the standards. Conway supports the standards from the Common Core, and expresses a desire to adapt them to fit students’ needs at a local level. There is concern expressed for removing the current standards, as it would eradicate the last half-dozen years of policy and advocacy work.
The candidates also vary on their stances regarding charter schools and early-childhood programs.