A joint statement by Achieving the Dream, the American Association of Community Colleges, the Education Commission of the States, and other education groups outlines six core principles for transforming remediation in math and English. The principles include: 1) a stronger intake process for students to set goals from the start, 2) replacing remedial coursework with credit-bearing coursework with enhanced support, 3) including co-requisite support with gateway courses, 4) enhancing support for the most underserved students such as year-long courses, 5) aligning content of gateway courses with expectations for academic math and writing, and 6) generating and sharing data to help ensure students make progress. The statement supports the efforts of many California community colleges and universities to streamline or eliminate non-credit bearing remedial composition courses in favor of options such as the accelerated learning model, the studio adjunct tutoring model, and the two-semester stretch course model. In its emphasis on a more rigorous intake process for students, the statement supports alternatives to timed writing placement tests, such as Directed Self-Placement. The statement can be found at http://www.core-principles.org/uploads/2/6/4/5/26458024/core_principles_nov9.pdf
Statement on Core Principles for Transforming Remediation
State: California
Level: Higher Education
Analyst: Melzer, Dan