In his first formal State of the University address,University of Massachusetts President Marty Meehan criticized President Trump’s new travel ban in addition to touting university accomplishments.
Meehan said learning at UMass is enhanced by the “constant flow of people and ideas” from industry, government and other countries. “Our international scholars help us solve global problems. That work results in intercultural understandings that make us stronger and safer,” Meehan said. “Closing our minds and our borders does nothing to make us stronger or safer. Creating fear and anxiety does nothing to achieve those goals.”
Meehan stressed the impact UMass has in the state, generating $6.2 billion in economic activity annually as the second-largest employer in the state, and doing important research. Of the 17,000 yearly graduates from UMass, 60% stay it the state long term. Yet, Meehan also underscored the financialtroubles of the universitythat have resulted in higher tuition and fees. “Today, the cost of UMass has shifted from the state to students and their families, so paying your way by scooping ice cream or mowing lawns is nearly impossible,” Meehan said.
Schoenberg, Shira. “UMass President Marty Meehan criticizes federal immigration policy during State of the University address.” Masslive. 6 Mar 2017