On 10/3/13, Ted Dabrowski published a blog
summarizing The Illinois Policy Institute’s report found at: http://www.illinoispolicy.org/wp-content/files_mf/1380814767Ed_finance_1.pdf#.
Dabrowski argues
that “the focus of Illinois’ current education funding system is notwhat’s
best for students – it’s who controls the flow anddistribution of
taxpayer money.” He adds, “Originally intended to support the state’s neediest
school districts, the $4.8 billion GSA [General State Aid] has become, in a
single decade, a twisted mess of formulas that provide large, special subsidies
to a few select districts.” He explains, “…one of these loopholes – related to
tax increment financing, or TIF, districts – allows school districts statewide
to not report more than $18 billion in property value located in special
economic zones.”
offers this solution: “To fix Illinois’ broken education
system, financial power needs to be taken away from politicians and special
interests.” He also notes, “The only real solution is to transition to a new
education funding system – one that provides parents with increasing control
over the flow and distribution of money.”
What do you think of the idea that “it’s time for parents to
control the flow and distribution of money in education?” -
Is it true that “only then will the struggle be about what
really matters – how to educate Illinois children?” -
there other ideas that are being overlooked? For example, consider ethnic, linguistic, economic,
and sexual diversity?