The Office of Assessment of the Delaware Department of Education (DEDOE) is requesting from the United States Department of Education a waiver for the alternate assessment since the percentage of students anticipated in the alternate assessment will exceed 1% (per regulation found at 34 C.F.R. §200.6(c)(4)). This regulation requires that the number of students participating in state alternate assessments are at or less than 1% of all students taking the state assessment.
However, in Delaware, the percentages exceed that 1% (1.4% for ELA and mathematics respectively, and 1.5% for science).
As stated on the state’s website, “the following information is included in the waiver:
- Delaware state-level data including
- subgroup counts and percentages
- participation rates in alternate assessments;
- State assurances that LEAs exceeding the one percent cap followed State guidelines in determining eligibility for participation in alternate assessments;
- A statewide plan and timeline including
- Clarification of State guidelines, in conjunction with professional development, to expand understanding and implementation of the guidelines and the identification process;
- Support and oversight for LEAs exceeding the one percent cap, as well as addressing any identified areas of disproportionality.
To access the waiver please visit: