Cultivating New Voices among Scholars of Color (CNV) Program
The NCTE Research Foundation’s Cultivating New Voices program provides mentoring for doctoral candidates and early career scholars of color to cultivate abilities to draw from their own cultural and linguistic perspectives as they conduct critically conscious research. The program provides socialization into the research community through interaction with established scholars whose own work is enriched by engagement with new ideas. CNV supports the professional, intellectual, and activist activities of young scholars of color by pairing them with senior scholars to participate in a supportive cohort that brings together fellows, mentors, and invited presenters.
Grants Program
The Research Foundation provides small grants for NCTE members to explore questions related to teaching language, literacy, and culture. The Trustees invite proposals that reflect the diverse interests and membership of NCTE, encouraging proposals focusing on underrepresented populations, curriculum changes and the effect the changes have on students, school policies, changes in teaching methods, student interaction and learning, community literacy, home-school literacy relationships, after-school programs, student literacy practices in and out of school, and other relevant topics of study