Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz
Associate Professor, English Education, Teachers College, Columbia University; Mentor, CNV. Formerly: NCTE ELATE Board; NCTE CNV Mentor; IRA Teacher Task Force; Chair, ELATE Geneva Smitherman Award; Chair, Resolutions CC Standards; Veal Seminar Mentor; CEE Nominating Committee; NCTE Convention Committee; CEE College; NCTE Proposal Reviewer. Memberships: NCTE, ELATE, AACTE, AAUW, AERA, LRA. Awards: NCTE, CNV Fellowship; SERN Mid- Career Policy Fellowship; Teachers College Inauguration Poet; AERA (CESJ) Mentor Award; AERA Division K Mid-Career Award; Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. Publications: RTE, EE, EJ, TETYC, LA, Teachers College Record, REE, UE, UR, JTTE, JCP; NCTE Squire Briefs, Teachers College Press.
How has NCTE provided a professional home for you?
Since the first year of my doctoral studies, I have presented at NCTE Annual Conventions, served on various committees, reviewed proposals for various sections, and recently participated in several NCTE Member Gatherings. NCTE has been an important intellectual and personal community for me for 15 years.
How does your current work in your career, community, and/or classroom contribute to NCTE’s mission and vision, and demonstrate alignment with NCTE’s commitment to equity and justice? How have your personal strengths and experiences contributed to making positive change(s) in the profession?
My work on racial literacy has been lifted up and supported NCTE’s commitment to equity. I recently published a Squire Brief on racial literacy for NCTE. My involvement in the NCTE CNV mentoring program as a mentor (4 years) and a fellow (2 years), in addition to my involvement as a Veal Seminar mentor (2 years), shows my commitment to supporting the next generation of NCTE scholars.
What is your rationale for seeking this office? What would you like to accomplish while in office?
I would like to contribute my voice to the important issues that the Board of Trustees votes on, regarding equity and diversity issues and the overall viability of the organization. It would be an honor to serve as a trustee to an organization that has provided support for me and my work for several years.