NCTE’s research programs and projects support, publish, and share current scholarship that aims to improve the quality of English language arts instruction at all educational levels.
The purpose of the NCTE Research Foundation is to “improve the quality of instruction in English at all educational levels.” A percentage of all membership dues go towards support for the Research Foundation.
For many years the Squire Office published Policy Briefs which summarize and present the relevant research findings on a variety of issues important to education today.
This standing committee serves to identify and address issues of broad concern to NCTE members interested in advancing research in English language arts.
Research in the Teaching of English (RTE) is the flagship research journal of the National Council of Teachers of English.
NCTE periodically publishes research summaries that focus on current issues in English and language arts teaching and learning.
The purposes of this assembly are to explore expanded perspectives on learning and their implications for and applications to English and language arts education.