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#NCTEChat Sunday, November 16 8pm ET

buttonsinacirclePlease join us this Sunday November 16 at 8 pm ET / 7 pm CT for #NCTEChat where we’ll be discussing a new storytelling project that launches this week.

NCTE is looking for stories about what works in literacy education — we want to highlight solutions — particularly those that address what it takes for classrooms, schools, districts and communities to reach their full literacy potential.

We’ll be using these questions to guide the conversation:

Q1: How can/does your school value literacy as everyone’s job?

Q2: How can/does your school value inquiry in teaching and learning?

Q3: How can/does your school value shared leadership?

Q4: How can/does your school value authentic evidence of learning?

Q5: How can/does your school value time for collaboration?

Q6: As we think about the theme of #ncte14, what stories aren’t being told in education today?

Q7: How do we use these stories to make change?

See also  Providing the Keys to Professional Growth—and Personal Meaning