Digital Literacy in the ELA Classroom Series
NCTE members are invited to join in a workshop series cohosted by NCTE and the Assembly on Computers in English (ACE). This series focuses on connecting members of our communities with high-quality digital literacy tools and knowledge of those resources that they can take into their ELA classrooms. Attendees will be able to leave with ideas, exemplars, and methods to use in the classroom with the tools and programs covered in each session!
Connecting Writers, Developing Literacies
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
5:00–6:30 p.m. ET
Writing with purpose begins by igniting curiosities and building a community of writers to provide feedback to and to celebrate each other’s work. Book Creator allows writers beyond the walls of any given classroom to communicate, collaborate, and create. This session will walk participants through the process of building a book collaboratively with middle and high school students.
Hosted by Jill Stedronsky and Kristen Hawley Turner. This event is open to all NCTE members.

Jill Stedronsky is an eighth–grade language arts teacher at William Annin Middle School in New Jersey; she is also an adjunct instructor at Drew University. She is currently a teacher leader and a former co-director for Drew University’s National Writing Project site. She continues to research and work with teachers to create an authentic environment for writing and reading instruction rooted in a student’s curiosity and driven by a student’s life purpose. She is the coauthor of “Inquiry Ignites Pushing Back Against Traditional Literacy Instruction” in the edited collection Acts of Resistance: Subversive Teaching in the ELA Classroom.

Dr. Kristen Hawley Turner (@teachkht) is a professor and director of teacher education at Drew University in New Jersey. Her research focuses on the intersections between technology and literacy, and she works with teachers across content areas to implement effective literacy instruction and to incorporate technology in meaningful ways. She is the coauthor of Connected Reading: Teaching Adolescent Readers in a Digital World and Argument in the Real World: Teaching Students to Read and Write Digital Texts, and editor of Ethics of Digital Literacy: Developing Knowledge and Skills across Grade Levels. She is also the founder and director of the Drew Writing Project and Digital Literacies Collaborative and the co-founder of the research project and the Technopanic: Living and Learning in a Digital Age podcast.